About Nomotus

New knowledge from physiotherapy used for development
As a physiotherapist one can only be fascinated by the human body and its ability to function in many situations.
A handball player endures hits and contacts with the flooring many times. A runner, jumper, soldier, dancer and many others must adapt to schocks, vibrations, repetitions and development. The foot is one of the most adaptable parts of the skeleton in the human body. Weighing only around 100 gram it is able to support much more than 100 kilos. Man and the animal kingdom are unique and every species has developed its own specific characteristics.
“Inspiration from physiotherapy where many injuries come from the
Strength, mobility, flexibility, stress, over load and other things. These are importent elements in the advance concerning training and rehabilitation.”
This universe has inspired me to form the vibration-reducing patent and development of products.
To obtain licence for the patent
Nomotus has obtained a strong patent in more than 40 countries. We wish for the patent and product to find use in many situations. The unit is especially suitable for smaller machines and vehicles used in the industry. We especially seek to enter close partnerships with manufacturers and offer the opportunity to achieve licensed usage for standard or individual solutions within the fields of dampening and vibrations.